Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Quitting beer and getting my mojo back...

Mmmm Homer might say.

And I'd be one to join him. Well I would have been up til today.

That's right folks! I'm quitting beer!

I've not gone much longer than a week without at least a pint or two for about a decade - and it's starting to show.

Here I am, prime of my life, but I feel like a 50 year old.

Now this is mainly down to the beer, but it's also down to the total absence of exercise (is Xbox exercise?).

I mean, I'm not FAT - but I'm not at all in shape. And that gets me down.

After new years, I stopped for a month (although I only did about 10 days) and felt awesome! So, here goes, I pledge that I will be beer free until the start of summer!

It's a way off, but I need to do something to get back in shape. So treadmill and rowing machine replaces pint glass and Walker's packet.

I'll post up how I'm getting along.....

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