Here is a walkthrough to the sniper locations on the Modern Warfare 2 Spec Ops 'Hidden' mission on Veteran. This missions is devilish on Veteran.
1: After taking out the last 2 guys at the start, quickly get to position 1, if you're fast enough you'll see the first sniper still walking to the marked position.
2: Now edge to the right a little and you'll see sniper 2 on the little hill about 70m away. He usually manages to shoot me first THEN lays down in the grass. You should still be able to see him, so take him down.
3: Edge around right and aim your sights at the BMP. As you edge around, you'll see the front of the BMP come into your sights - the 3rd guy can usually be hit by firing over the top of the very front of the BMP (use the BMP's front headlight as guide - when u see this the sniper is right behind it)
This second part seemed tough at first - but with this guide you'll make it through every time.
1: 1 is real easy - just get into this position as fast as you can and wait a second or two. You'll soon see the first sniper as he crawls to the edge of the little hill.
2: There are two good options for taking out sniper 2. First option is to peer over the two BMP's - you'll probably take a hit, so swap to your silenced SMG (that i hope u picked up at the start) and stand back up again a spray the grass. Second option is to peek around the back of the BMPS as shown - but this takes a bit of patience because the sniper takes a while to crawl into view.
3: You can take down snipers three and four from either of these two positions - looking over the BMPs. I tend to use my SMG as the one of the snipers is just over the BMPs and very close.
4: the last sniper is behind a BMP, I tend to rush him - he'll get a shot off but then lay down in the grass. So i rush him and gun him down with my SMG.
Tips for next section.
After this field is cleared, you can move down to the other side, over the pipe and get into position to take out the three man patrol on the road. Take out the last, middle then first guy.
Next, go over the road, and take out the sniper in the church tower - he poses no threat from here so you don't have to 'creep' into position.
Next, take out the three guys talking in the graveyard. Don't worry if you set off 'alerts' because as long as you take the guys out in the immediate vicinity, the alert stops.
Wait in the church until one guy enters - slot him. You can then snipe from the church tower OR through the church windows. I always set off alarms here, but this actually helps - the gunmen will run into the church to get you, all you have to do is take cover in the doorway you entered through and take em out as they try and rush the church. about 6 kills will end the alarm.
Next: make you way over to the other set of buildings. One guy will come out of the barn on the left. Kill him straight away THEN RUN BACK TO THE CHURCH. about 6 more guys will rush you from the barns, but take em out with your sniper or SMG as they cross the open ground from the barns. Make sure that some don't flank through the building opposite the church. If they do, head back to the back door (for cover and escape route) and take em out one by one as they rush the church, like before.
Once the alarm stops, you're free to run to the last set of buildings. I enter the house on the right, not the barn.
This bit is the hardest sniper bit for me, as they are hard to spot.
1: Stand up and creep VERY SLOWLY to the right as you look through the window. (Stand about centre of the room) The first guy is to the right of a big tree trunk (green circle on map). I've noticed he tends to pop out from the left. BE PREPARED AT ALL TIMES TO DUCK BACK LEFT AND INTO COVER WHEN U GET SHOT. You WILL get shot by each sniper here - but you can take one shot easy, just play it slow and safe and let your health regen.
2 AND 3: I found two and three to be very close (in terms of angle of sight) to each other. 2 is to the left of the big tree trunk and pretty close to you. 3 is a bit further left but about 50m away - near the objective marker (on the right side of the objective marker btw).
4: I'm not 100% sure of 4s location. but he's approx to the left of the outhouse building. But take it slow - cuz I've seen him just to the left of where no 3 sniper was. (ie to the left of the objective marker) It's just a case of peering through the window, moving slowly left to right one step at a time. If you can't see him through the window - head out and look round the corner of the house SLOWLY!
5: Last guy, you have to go out the building here to get the angle shown on the map. He's pretty easy to spot so take him down and you're free run to a glorious finish
tremendous help sir. thank you!